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Understanding the Difference Between Robbery and Burglary

 Posted on July 31, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Untitled-76.jpgCriminal acts such as robbery and burglary greatly concern society and the legal system. While “robbery” and “burglary” are often used interchangeably, they hold distinct meanings in the eyes of the law. In this blog, we will delve into the differences between robbery and burglary to provide a clear understanding of these two criminal offenses. These types of crimes are prosecuted aggressively, making it essential that anyone charged with such acts needs to retain aggressive legal assistance to pursue a satisfactory case outcome.


Definition and Elements of Robbery

Robbery refers to the unlawful taking of another person’s property from their immediate presence through the use of force, fear, or intimidation. The central element distinguishing a robbery from other crimes is the threat or force against the target getting robbed. The intention to commit theft must be accompanied by the immediate presence of the individual(s) who are the target of the robbery.

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Defending Against Insurance Fraud Charges in Tennessee

 Posted on July 18, 2023 in White Collar Crimes

Untitled-38.jpgInsurance fraud charges can have serious legal consequences in Tennessee. Being accused of this crime entails deliberately deceiving an insurance company for financial gain. It is crucial to understand the legal intricacies surrounding insurance fraud charges to mount an effective defense. Today, we will provide an exploratory insight into the crime of insurance fraud in Tennessee, including key considerations, defense strategies, and the role of criminal defense counsel in safeguarding defendants’ rights. 

Elements of Insurance Fraud

The prosecution must establish specific elements to secure a conviction for insurance fraud. These typically include the intent to defraud, a false statement or act, material misrepresentation, and the use of deception to obtain or maintain insurance benefits. Understanding these elements is essential to assess the strength of the case against the defendant and determine the most effective defense strategies. 

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What Constitutes Harassment and Stalking in Tennessee? 

 Posted on June 29, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Knox County Criminal LawyerHarassment and stalking are serious offenses in Tennessee and can easily lead to serious criminal charges. Today, we are going to take a look at what exactly constitutes harassment and stalking in the state while also working to understand what prosecutors must prove to convict someone of these crimes. If you have been charged with harassment and stalking, contact a criminal defense attorney to begin the crucial process of developing a defense to fight these charges.

Important Factors Regarding Harassment and Stalking in Tennessee

In Tennessee, harassment occurs when communication is made with the intent of frightening or intimidating another person. Generally, it involves behavior such as stalking, sending unwanted communications, making threatening phone calls, or engaging in any activity designed to make another person feel unsafe, embarrassed, or angry. An important thing to note is that the law does not require proof of physical harm to the sufferer. Instead, it is enough to show that the behavior was unwelcome and made the targeted party feel threatened and uncomfortable. 

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What to Do If You Are Facing Criminal Charges as a College Student

 Posted on June 19, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Blount County Criminal LawyerPursuing higher education can be an exciting time for many young adults. However, sometimes being faced with legal troubles may put a halt to that journey. If you are a college student who has recently been arrested for a crime, you may be unsure of your next steps. During this challenging time, it is essential to understand what to do and whom you can turn to for help. In such situations, hiring a criminal defense attorney is essential to ensure you have proper legal guidance and representation in court if needed. 

How an Attorney Can Help a College Student After an Arrest

Firstly, it is important to remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. Just because you have been charged does not mean you will be convicted. Contacting and hiring the services of a criminal defense lawyer can help you understand your legal rights as they relate to your legal situation. And remember, the role of your attorney will also be to provide legal counsel related to your charges and help you navigate the legal system with your best interests in mind.

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Does Knoxville Have Strict First Offense DUI Laws? 

 Posted on May 30, 2023 in DUI/DWI/BUI

Blount County Criminal Defense AttorneyKnoxville, Tennessee, is a beautiful city in the southern United States. Like many other states in the US, Tennessee has strict laws regarding driving under the influence (DUI). The consequences of drinking and driving can be severe and, in some cases, even deadly. You may be wondering if Knoxville has strict first-offense DUI laws, and the answer is yes!

Today, we will look closer at the laws in Knoxville surrounding first time DUI offenses and what you can expect to face if you are charged with one. For individuals who are facing charges related to drunk driving, it is essential to hire a seasoned criminal defense attorney to help fight charges and pursue a favorable case outcome

What to Expect if You Are Charged with Your First DUI

Tennessee takes first-time DUIs very seriously, with a conviction bringing down a cascade of legal penalties on those convicted. The minimum fine for a first-time DUI in Knoxville is $350 but can reach up to $1,500. The offender may also face up to 11 months and 29 days in jail, with a required minimum sentence of at least 48 hours. The severity level of the consequences will largely depend on the blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of arrest. If the BAC is above .20 percent, the offender may be required to spend seven days in jail instead of the minimum of 48 hours

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Does Tennessee Have Strict Drug Possession Laws? 

 Posted on May 15, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Union County Drug LawyerTennessee is an excellent example of a state with very strong drug laws. The state has strict laws governing the possession of substances that the federal government has restricted. As a result, anyone found possessing these drugs can face severe legal consequences, often more severe than in other states in America. Tennessee’s drug laws prohibit the possession of several illicit substances, such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. The penalties for drug possession can be based on several factors, including the type of drug found in possession. 

Anyone facing drug-related crimes in Tennessee would be wise to contact a criminal defense attorney right away to fight the charges and defend their rights. 

What to Know About Drug Penalties in Tennessee   

Firstly, according to the law, Schedule I drugs are classified as the most severe form of the drug because they can more easily lead to addiction and dependency and have no accepted medical use. As a result, in Tennessee, even possessing a small amount of a Schedule I drug can lead to grave consequences. Examples of Schedule I drugs include Heroin, PCP, LSD, Peyote, and more. Additionally, if you are arrested for selling a Schedule I drug such as cocaine, even as little as .5 grams, it is a Class B felony and can land you in prison for a minimum of eight years and as many as 30 years, with fines up to $100,000.

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What Are the Common Elements of White-Collar Crimes? 

 Posted on April 18, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Blount County Criminal LawyerWhite-collar crimes are non-violent crimes committed, usually to illegally obtain money or property, by individuals in the course of their work, business, or personal life. However, white-collar crimes can become highly complex and have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to understand that if you are ever accused or charged with committing a white-collar offense, do not hesitate to contact a criminal defense attorney, as your freedom may be at stake.

Typical Elements in White-Collar Crime Cases

Here are some common elements of white-collar crimes, including:

  • Financial gain – This is a common element of white-collar crimes. The perpetrator commits the crime to obtain money or property. For example, embezzlement involves stealing money or property from an employer or other organization. Meanwhile, insider trading involves using non-public information to profit in the stock market. 

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Is Accepting a Plea Deal in a Criminal Case Admitting Guilt or a Strategic Choice?  

 Posted on April 05, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Knoxville Criminal Defense LawyerPlea deals, also known as plea agreements, have become relatively common aspects of the criminal justice system. These agreements involve a negotiation between the prosecutor and the defense attorneys, often resulting in lighter prison sentences or reduced charges for the defendant. However, accepting a plea deal raises the question of whether the defendant is admitting guilt or simply making a strategic choice. Today, we will further discuss plea deals and their implications on the defendant’s admission of guilt. Remember, if you have been charged with a crime or are suspected of committing a crime, strongly consider hiring a criminal defense attorney, as your freedom may be at stake.

Types of Plea Agreements

This blog will discuss three primary forms of plea agreements used in the criminal justice system. These include:

  • Charge bargaining involves the defendant pleading guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for the dismissal of more serious charges.

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Legal Defense Strategies When Facing Charges of Domestic Violence

 Posted on March 28, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Anderson County Criminal Law AttorneyBeing charged with domestic violence can be a life-altering experience and not in a good way. It is crucial to understand the legal strategies that can be used to defend against these kinds of charges. Domestic violence charges can lead to severe consequences, including incarceration, loss of custody, and damage to your reputation. Today, we will be discussing essential legal defense strategies to consider if you have been charged with committing an act of domestic violence. In serious cases such as this, it is imperative to contact and hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to ensure you are able to adequately defend yourself against these charges. 

Consider These Defense Strategies

Firstly, it is essential to evaluate the evidence against you. Prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the alleged criminal offense. It is the responsibility of the defense attorney to scrutinize the evidence and identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. For instance, the defense may argue that the accuser did not have any visible injuries or that the accuser’s statements are inconsistent. 

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Strategies for Defending Against a Sex Crime Charge in Tennessee 

 Posted on March 16, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Union County Sexual Assault Defense AttorneySex crimes can be among the most severe and challenging criminal cases to defend against. In Tennessee, depending on the specific charge, a conviction can result in severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, sex offender registration, and other lifelong consequences. Therefore, in order to successfully defend against a sex crimes charge, it is essential to hire a criminal defense attorney and begin considering a variety of legal strategies you may be able to employ to defeat the charges. Today, we are going to discuss some of these legal strategies. 

Consider These Strategies When Facing a Sex Crimes Charge

Here are some potential legal strategies that may be used to defeat a sex crimes charge:

  • Challenge the evidence – The first strategy to consider is to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution. This could involve questioning the witnesses’ credibility or the physical evidence’s accuracy. It may also include challenging the validity of search warrants or other legal procedures to obtain evidence. 

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