Knoxville Sexting Defense Lawyer

Lawyer for Clients Facing Charges Related to Child Pornography or Sexting in East Tennessee
If you have been accused of any crime related to the possession, distribution, or creation of child pornography, you need legal help immediately. The thought that a child might have been exploited is extremely disturbing, and defendants who are suspected to be involved with child pornography in any way face severe penalties and consequences that will last a lifetime. At the Knox County law firm of Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney, we know that not every allegation of child pornography is true, and sweeps intended to catch the real predators often catch innocent and well-meaning individuals. If you are facing charges in relation to child pornography, our experienced team has the knowledge and skills to help you protect your rights and your future.
Understanding Child Pornography Laws in Tennessee
The laws that address child pornography in Tennessee fall under the category of Sexual Exploitation of Children. Under the law, it is illegal to produce, distribute, or possess photographs, videos, electronic files, or any other material that depicts a minor engaged in sexual activity or "simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive." Sexual activity includes the "lascivious exhibition of" nudity. Possession of child pornography is a Class D felony, but each image or item constitutes a separate count. The possession of more than 50 items is a Class C felony, and the possession of more than 100 items is a Class B felony. Charges are even more serious for those accused of selling, distributing, and producing child pornography.
Attorney Jeffrey Coller understands the horrific nature of child pornography and the damage that it can do to the lives of victims. He also realizes that to secure a conviction in child pornography possession cases, prosecutors must show that you "knowingly" possessed the material in question. For example, a conviction on child pornography charges is not likely if you merely received an unsolicited or "spam" email that contained illegal images. Similarly, if you purchased a used computer and discovered illegal material on the computer's hard drive, we can help you show that you did not have prior knowledge of the material.
Sexting and Child Pornography
Over the last few years, controversy has arisen over consensual sharing of sexually explicit messages and images—known as "sexting"—between teenagers. Technically, this behavior in Tennessee falls under the same laws that prohibit the possession and distribution of child pornography. This means that it is possible for a teen under age 18 to be charged with distributing and possessing child pornography for an explicit exchange with another teen under the age of 18. Most such cases are handled in juvenile court on an age-appropriate basis.
The situation is much more serious, however, when you are over the age of 18 and accused of sexting with a minor. In addition to the possession of child pornography, you could also face separate charges for sending obscene materials to a minor. It is important to keep in mind that there are many factors that could affect the charges and possible penalties associated with your case, including your age, the age of the minor, and the nature of your relationship. Our team can help you understand the charges against you, and we will work with you in exploring all of your available options.
Contact Our Knoxville Sexting Child Pornography Defense Lawyers
To learn more about child pornography laws in Tennessee or to get help with your case, contact our office. Call 865-281-1000 for a free, confidential consultation and case review today. Our firm serves clients in Knoxville, Mascot, Farragut, Union County, Anderson County, Blount County, Campbell County, and Knox County.