Knoxville Federal Firearm Charges Lawyer

Trusted Defense Attorney for Federal Weapons Possession Charges in Knoxville, TN
Even though the United States Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, there are some laws that place restrictions on this right. Certain people are not allowed to possess guns, and depending on the circumstances of a case, they could potentially be charged with federal crimes if they violate these restrictions. Cases in which someone is accused of violating federal weapons laws can be complex, and convictions for federal offenses carry severe consequences.
If you are facing charges under 18 U.S.C. § 922 in Tennessee, it is crucial to consult with an experienced attorney who understands how to defend against federal weapons charges. At Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney, we have extensive experience representing clients in cases involving both state and federal charges. We will work diligently to protect your rights and build a strong defense on your behalf.
The Penalties for Violating 18 U.S.C. § 922
Federal laws place a number of restrictions on when firearms can be bought, sold, transported, or possessed in situations that affect "interstate or foreign commerce." Certain people are prohibited from possessing firearms, and if they receive a gun that has been transported from another state or country, or if they attempt to cross state lines while carrying a firearm, they could be charged with a federal crime.
Under Section 922(g) of 18 U.S.C. § 922, the following people are prohibited from possessing firearms:
- Convicted felons, including anyone convicted of a crime that carries a minimum prison sentence of one year.
- Fugitives from justice.
- Drug users, including those who use controlled substances in an unlawful manner or those who are addicted to drugs.
- People who have been committed to mental institutions or who have mental disabilities.
- Immigrants who have entered or remained in the United States illegally.
- Members of the U.S. armed forces who have been dishonorably discharged.
- People who have been convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence offenses.
- People who are subject to orders of protection in cases involving domestic abuse, stalking, or harassment.
Violations of this statute can result in multiple types of serious penalties. In general, a person who knowingly commits a violation involving possession of a firearm may face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, and they may face a maximum fine of $250,000. In some cases, prior convictions for offenses that may affect public safety can result in longer sentences. A person who has been convicted of three previous violent crimes or drug crimes that are deemed "serious" may be sentenced to a minimum of 15 years.
In addition to the penalties that come with a conviction for a federal crime, a person may also face a number of other potential life-altering consequences. These may include loss of reputation, strained personal relationships, and difficulty finding employment opportunities in the future.
Orders of Protection and Federal Weapons Charges
Under Tennessee law, people who are subject to orders of protection are not allowed to possess firearms. An order of protection may be issued in situations where a person has been accused of domestic abuse or violence against members of their family or people who live in their household. A person accused of stalking or harassment may also be subject to an order of protection.
While an order of protection is in effect, a person may be prohibited from contacting an alleged victim and going near their home or workplace, and other restrictions may also be put in place. A person will also be required to surrender any firearms they own or transfer them to other parties. They cannot possess or use any guns until the order of protection expires or is no longer valid. A violation of these restrictions may result in Class A misdemeanor charges at the state level. However, if a person who is subject to an order of protection possesses a firearm or ammunition in a way that affects interstate commerce, including possession of a gun that has been shipped from out of state, they may face federal charges as described above.
Contact Our Knoxville Federal Weapons Possession Charges Lawyer
If you have been charged with a federal offense related to firearm possession in Tennessee, you should not underestimate the seriousness of these charges or the potential consequences you may face if you are convicted. If you have been accused of domestic violence, stalking, harassment, or related offenses, you will need to be aware of any requirements that may apply if an order of protection is put in place. Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney can provide legal representation and help you address these situations. We can work with you to defend against federal or state weapons charges, and we will fight to defend your rights. Contact us at 865-281-1000 to schedule a free and confidential consultation.