Knoxville Burglary Defense Attorney

Property Crimes and Robbery Criminal Lawyer Serving Knox County and Union County, TN
When you are facing charges for theft or a related offense, you need legal help. Such charges can vary greatly in terms of consequences, from relatively minor, such as petty shoplifting, to extremely severe, such as burglary or armed robbery. Regardless of the charges you are facing, the team at the law firm of Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney, is here to provide the guidance and representation you need. We will work hard to protect your rights and to limit the negative effects on the rest of your life.
Trusted Defense Counsel in Union County
In everyday conversation, people tend to use the term "robbery" and "burglary" interchangeably. For example, you might hear someone say that their house was robbed while they were on vacation and that the burglars took everything of value. Under the law, however, robbery and burglary represent two very distinct categories of illegal behavior. If you are facing charges for either robbery or burglary, our team can help you understand the nature of the allegations against you.
According to the law in Tennessee, burglary is an "offense against property" while robbery falls under the category of an "offense against a person." As a result, robbery charges are generally more serious and tend to carry harsher penalties compared to charges of burglary.
Understanding Robbery Charges
Tennessee law defines robbery as the intentional taking of someone else's property directly from that person by means of violence or fear. Taking the property from a person means actually removing the property, such as a purse, wallet, or cash, from the person's possession. Robbery is a Class C felony, but the charges may be elevated to aggravated robbery—a Class B felony—if a deadly weapon is involved or if the victim suffers a serious injury. If the crime involves both a deadly weapon and serious injury to the victim, the charge is a Class A felony for especially aggravated robbery.
Burglary Offenses in Tennessee
As an offense against property, burglary refers to entering a building or vehicle with the intent to commit a theft, assault, or some other felony. Burglary is sometimes known as "breaking and entering." It is important to understand that you could face burglary charges even if you do not take anything or commit any other crime. If the prosecution can prove your intent, a conviction is possible.
Burglary involving a vehicle is a Class E felony. The charge is a Class D felony for a non-residential building. Aggravated burglary is a burglary of a house, apartment, or any other dwelling, and it is a Class C felony. The burglary of any building that results in serious injury to the victim is a Class B felony for especially aggravated burglary.
Offenses such as vandalism and criminal trespass also fall under the category of burglary charges. These crimes are typically handled as misdemeanors, though felony charges are possible depending on the circumstances.
Protecting Your Future
Attorney Jeffrey Coller is an experienced criminal defense attorney with the knowledge and skill to help you mount an aggressive defense against robbery and burglary charges. He and his team understand that a conviction could land you in jail and cost you thousands of dollars in fines. With that in mind, our firm will do everything we can to find the most favorable outcome possible. When appropriate, we will negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the charges against you and to limit the damage to your future. However, we are fully prepared to fight on your behalf in court as well.
Contact Our Knoxville Burglary Defense Lawyers
If you are facing burglary or robbery charges in East Tennessee, contact our office. Call 865-281-1000 to schedule a free consultation and case review today. Our firm serves clients in Knoxville, Farragut, Mascot, Union County, Campbell County, Anderson County, and the surrounding areas.