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What to Do When Facing Charges of Identity Theft

 Posted on May 31,2019 in White Collar Crimes

Knoxville identity theft defense lawyer

Identity theft continues to be an issue for many people even with security measures in place. This kind of theft can range from a few fraudulent charges on a stolen credit card or a total theft of identity by pretending to be someone who they are not. There are two different types of identity theft, financial and criminal. Both, obviously, are illegal, and a perpetrator can end up facing criminal charges. If you are charged with any type of identity theft, it is important to speak to a knowledgeable attorney to understand your options for defense.  

What Is Identity Theft?

Identity theft occurs when a person gains access to someone else’s financial information and uses credit card, bank account, and/or personal identification numbers to make purchases. The records could be stolen through a variety of means, such as hacking into a financial institution’s computer system, using a device called a skimmer at a gas pump, or digging through a person’s trash to find statements and other personal information. Many credit card companies and banks have fraud alerts that may catch unusual activity on their customers’ accounts.

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What are the Punishments for Drugged Driving in Tennessee?

 Posted on May 21,2019 in DUI/DWI/BUI

Knox County DUI lawyer

Driving while under the influence of alcohol can result in serious consequences, but so can driving while impaired by marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, or other narcotics. In Tennessee, anyone who drives a motor vehicle has automatically given legal consent to be tested for drugs, alcohol, or both. Drivers always have the option to refuse a test, but that will be treated in much the same way as if the driver had submitted to the test and failed

DUI is taken very seriously by law enforcement and the courts of Tennessee. If you stand accused of drugged driving, it is essential you enlist the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney who will fight for you.

What Are the Penalties for DUI?

  • For a first offense DUI, a convicted driver will be fined $350-$1,500 and face a license suspension of up to one year.
  • For a second offense DUI within 10 years of the first, a convicted driver will be fined $600-$3,500 and face a license suspension up to two years and jail time of 45 days to 11 months and 29 days.

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Have You Been Accused of Breaking National Park Laws in Tennessee?

 Posted on April 30,2019 in Criminal Defense

Knoxville federal criminal defense attorneyNational parks are meant for everyone to enjoy, and there are a number of rules and regulations in place to help ensure safety for visitors and wildlife alike. Although there are probably many laws that not everyone is familiar with, they are still regularly enforced. If you have been accused of a federal crime in one of the national parks in Tennessee, you will need a knowledgeable attorney to guide you through your rights and options for defense.

What Violations Can I Face in a National Park?

One of the biggest issues in national parks is the use of alcohol. Although alcoholic beverages are allowed in certain picnic areas, campgrounds, and shelters, open containers of alcohol are prohibited elsewhere throughout the parks. Lack of awareness and/or respect for this rule can result in criminal charges.

In addition, drunk driving is not acceptable, and it can be especially dangerous in national parks, since many of the parks’ roads are narrow and winding, and there are typically many other drivers on the road. There are quite a few alcohol-related deaths in the parks each year, and DUI is taken very seriously.

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What Penalties Will I Face When Charged With DUI in Tennessee?

 Posted on April 03,2019 in DUI/DWI/BUI

Knoxville DUI defense lawyerWhile drunk driving is the most common type of DUI faced by Tennessee drivers, a driver can also face criminal charges for driving under the influence of a controlled substance, including marijuana, prescription drugs, or other substances. If you have been accused of driving while impaired, an experienced attorney can help you understand your options for defense and work to have your charges or penalties reduced or dismissed.

How Is Intoxication or Impairment Determined?

In many cases, a person suspected of DUI is pulled over because they were driving erratically. In other cases, a driver may be stopped at a checkpoint, or they may have their blood alcohol tested after getting into an accident. No matter how it comes about, a driver can face some very serious consequences when charged with a DUI. However, a police officer must have probable cause before pulling a driver over, and simply saying that a driver seems to be under the influence is not enough to hold up in court

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