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How Can a Rise in Domestic Violence Impact False Allegations About Me?

How Can a Rise in Domestic Violence Impact False Allegations About Me?

 Posted on August 24, 2020 in Domestic Violence

Knoxville, TN criminal defense attorney domestic violence

Since March, Americans have been asked to stay home as much as possible and wear masks and practice social distancing in public. Like many states, Tennessee enacted a stay-at-home order in response to the impending threat of COVID-19. Tennessee alone has had 123,489 confirmed cases of coronavirus since the virus first came to the United States six months ago. In order to address these high numbers and a lack of vaccinations, Tennessee Gov. Lee has extended its State of Emergency orders to keep Tennesseans out of public spaces and in the safety of their own homes. To some, this safety is even more sparse under their own roof. With more and more people staying in closed quarters, Tennessee has seen an increase in domestic violence against partners, spouses, and children. With domestic violence numbers on the uptick, working with a reputable criminal defense attorney has never been more important.

Domestic Abuse Reports in Tennessee

Close-quarters and a reduced chance of physical abuse marks being seen in public have led to another epidemic that is happening behind closed doors. According to reports from the Tennessean newspaper, one domestic violence hotline saw a 31 percent increase between March 1-30 in the number of calls received when compared to the previous year. Calls to hotlines are not the only evidence of this rise in domestic violence. Chattanooga itself saw a 24 percent increase in domestic violence reports to police during this same time period. Living under one roof is not the only reason for this change in numbers. Recent studies have shown that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger, and substance abuse has increased as a result of the mandatory quarantine. Mental health difficulties can transform into physical abuse that is inflicted on those who are in close proximity.

What Should I Do If I Am Facing Allegations?

Of course, those who have subjected their loved ones to abuse should face the legal consequences that come with such actions. However, not all domestic abuse claims are true or valid, even if there is a statistical rise of this violence. These allegations can often be made to earn an advantage over one spouse during divorce proceedings or child custody determinations. Those with especially contentious relationships who are filing for divorce may claim that their spouse has been subjecting them to abuse during the quarantine. With an inability to see the spouses in person, a court may assume that the allegations are true, ruling that the “abusive” spouse no longer has rights to the couple’s children. An Order of Protection may also be put in place, keeping you from your home and children. If you are facing such allegations, it is imperative that you hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. You must also follow the demands of any Orders of Protection or risk facing criminal charges for violating the order’s terms. Even if the allegations are unfounded, an Order of Protection should be followed while the case is ongoing. A criminal defense attorney will assist you with properly fighting the order that has been put in place against you.

Contact a Knoxville, TN Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Accusations of domestic violence can quickly turn your reputation from spotless to dangerous. Anyone who hears about the charges may assume that they are true, damaging your other relationships, future job prospects, and overall acceptance by those around you. Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney, believes that everyone should have a chance to tell their side of the story. Domestic violence cases can often lean one way with little evidence to support the person’s claim. Attorney Jeffrey Coller provides aggressive, dedicated representation to all of his clients, regardless of the accusations being made against them. If you are facing domestic violence charges, contact our diligent Knox County criminal defense lawyer at 865-281-1000 to schedule your free consultation.




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